
Thursday, August 2, 2012


When I was 20, I was a hippie to the max.
"I wish the government would be nicer. I wish people wouldn't fight so much. Why can't everyone love each other."

Now I'm like a hippie/political activist/anarchist....
"I wish the government would die. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and love each other before I end everyone on this planet. Fossil fuels are killing the planet, because no one listened to Henry Ford. Make hemp legal or I will bomb the whole world with MDMA." Yeah....

Growing older is fun. You appreciate the idea of the apocalypse waaaaaay more. You'll either die and not have to deal with this messed up world, or everyone stupid dies. Sounds like a win-win to me.
Three-quarters of the people on Earth dying? I'm all for it. I can't stand 3/4 of the people I know anyway.

That was a joke. I still love everyone; I just hate everyone.

I used to say that religion was the leading cause of violence in the world. I regress. STUPIDITY is the leading cause of violence in this world.

So quit being stupid humans.
And quit being selfish.
And quit being prejudiced.
Or I will end you.

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